Saturday 13 June 2009

Ben Doree preparation and workshop beginnnings

Cardboard galore! Geoff and team collected enough for the 3-ton truck. Geoff, Richard (from Geoff's firm - he loaded and covered the truck) and Andrew are in the photo.

We discovered that half the workshop space was full of STUFF with another workshop space full of items equipment that has been donated. We worked hard on tidying both places in order to have one clear workshop. It was really worth the work. A wonderfully clear room emerged and Peter went off in the vehicle with some donations of adult chairs to Kitwe Hospital. Sadly the nurses, physiotherapists and lots of other staff (even docotrs) are on strike all over the country. However he was received by a physio' who was delighted with the chairs and the crutches and took him to the appropriate person in charge to officiate

On Tuesday Peter and Jean went to Kitwe to visit Naomie, the physiotherapist who has been very active in a mother's group with many children with cerebral palsy.

We saw Agnes and her mother who were on the camp. We heard how everyone had loved the camp. Two of the children and their mothers will come for measuring on Monday for the first made-tomeasure items for in Ben Doree.

As soon as there was space Andrew got to work concocting workbenches from a wooden bunkbed with the happy bonus of using some of the stuff that had not found a home. Henry is in the background removing Ken's rope to use to fetch the press.
Eddie, who lives with Diz, his 'Grannie', and Patrick (Joyce and Henry's nephew who also lives on Ben Dore farm) visiting to inspect the workshop. Eddie loves his PETS hand-propelled machine and uses it to get to school every day. Diz says he is top of the class.

Thursday and some of the Wukwashi Volunteers arrived to learn APT and help set up the workshop. Here Patrick(a new Volunteer) Thompson(also new), Esther who has made items before are opening up boxes with Andrew. Peter is out fetching the press made by a local carpenter. Please not the start of batons on the wall for shelves!


  1. How busy you all are. It is good to see and hear what you have been up to. God Bless

  2. Hello from Bangkok! Great to hear what you're up to. Lots of similarities with CCD - we'll have to pick your brains sometime!

  3. Hi Z Team Mark 2.
    Glad that you are having a great time and smashing to read about your exploits. Andrew: You're missing the penultimate J John this week. Look forward to hearing what you have all been doing under God.
    God Bless. Jane and Robert

  4. Hi all,
    its was lovely to see your phtos, and wonderful to see one of Agnes and her Mum. It evoked some wonderful memories. many blessings, prayers and love to you and all our friends at Wukwashi.
    val and Nigelxxxxxxx

  5. P.S.

    taking the toys over to Essex Mission Aviation on June 25th. They are all boxed and ready to go. Val
