Wednesday 24 June 2009

Photos of WORK ..doing it and watching others

A happy Kondwani is his standing frame. Lots of approval from Naomie, the physiotherapist.

Angela trying out her seat and footstool. She will use this to join the family at the diningroom table. We are hoping/expecting that thsi will help her strengthen her neck muscles too.

It makes a big difference for Community rehabilitation workers to have input from physiotherapists. Thanks to the charity work done by the Company Clinic in Kitwe, Naomie, their physiotherapist came to Ben Doree and gave a talk on cerebral palsy. She also saw 2 of the children she knows well from the Mother's group in Kitwe, in their new pieces of equipment.

After checking the equipment with the child and physiotherapist, it is time to paint!

Mildred is in the background painting a stool with Joy painting the butterfly chair

The painted standing frame
The weekend gave an opportunity to see the work done on the new Medical clinic for Misaka

Peter tried making one of the bricks!

The new seals are working!

Manfred working the foot-pump



  1. Hello! Glad the pump is working!!
    Love Andrew

  2. Lovely painting !! I bet the children are so happy.
